Discovering Unclaimed Property


Check to see if you have unclaimed money at the website listed below. This is a legitimate website that keeps track of money not yet claimed by its owners. This can be from an insurance refund, a lost retirement account, a paycheck that wasn’t cashed, etc. The amounts can vary greatly, from a few dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. If you have deceased relatives, run a search in their name as well in the case that you could be the heir of their unclaimed property.

Check for your name even if you think you won’t be listed. Help your family and friends out by sharing this information with them too!

Below are instructions:

1.       Go to

2.       Type in your first and last name. Click “Search”

3.       Select the state in which you could have unclaimed property. Click “Search” again.

4.       Select all of the applicable claims and click “View Claimed Properties” at the bottom.

5.       Fill out the requested information. They will email you the exact amount you are owed along with a form that you need to sign in front of a notary. Return it to them, and they will mail you a check.

*Note that some states have their own unclaimed property website. In those cases, Missing Money will redirect you to that state’s website.

*If you have lived in different states, run a separate search under each state.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need any help!


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